Icon Oncology Holdings (Icon Oncology, formerly Medical Specialist Holdings) is the leading provider of cancer care provider and oncology management services in South Africa. OP invested in Icon in 2018 alongside the doctor shareholders.
Icon Oncology has 26 oncology centres with 29 linear accelerators for radiation therapy. These service mainly the private sector population of almost 9 million. It has however, strong working relationships with the public sector in certain areas in South Africa.
At the core of the model is a network of approximately 160 dedicated medical and radiation oncologists who are committed to patient-centric, ethical, and accessible care. Over and above the investment in Icon Oncology, OP also invested in Flexcor Twenty-Two (“Flexcor”), a recognised specialist oncology property management company. Flexcor has 15 properties with approximately 16,700m2 of lettable space, most of which are rented to Icon Oncology.
In 2020, OP merged the two companies, Icon Oncology and Flexcor.
OP and Icon have a shared philosophy about delivering quality, sustainable healthcare solutions and intends to continue to invest in building a pan African specialist healthcare services platform.